iCap Investments Failed: Financial Advisors Liable?
Recently, a financial product called iCap declared bankruptcy. iCap is affiliated with iCap Equity, iCap Vault, iCap Pacific Northwest, iCap Northwest Fund, and other companies. This has resulted in financial
advisors that may get entangled with the iCap bankruptcy if they had clients invested in iCap.
To make matters worse, if you are a financial advisor involved, it is very likely your firm or compliance team approved these investments with iCap after a thorough vetting of the iCap security and also approved of this financial product. In addition, these products require certain disclosures to be signed by clients, suitability
analysis, and firm approval that the product makes sense for your client.
In late 2023, iCap records showed extreme financial distress and filed for bankruptcy. Therefore, many investors are searching for compensation, which may affect financial advisors who they consider responsible
for these investments. If you are a financial advisor who previously recommended investments in iCap due to its former promising state and approval by your firm, you may be concerned and want to know more about your rights.
Call us at HLBS Law for help with your case and/or concerns regarding potential liability.